701.90 h 11/6
The Secretary of State to
the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
Washington, January 26,
No. 1839
Sir: The Department acknowledges the receipt of
your despatch No. 5671 of November 4, 1925, transmitting the original
and a translation of a note addressed to you by the Minister of
Afghanistan accompanied by a draft of a proposed treaty between
Afghanistan and the United States providing for the establishment of
diplomatic and consular relations between the two countries.
It is noted that the Afghan Minister in his communication to you of
October 30, 1925 makes reference to conversations of July 15 and October
28, 1925, respectively, with you with regard to this matter. The
Department, however, has no record that the substance of these
conversations has been embodied in any reports submitted to it by the
Embassy and desires therefore that a report be prepared and forwarded at
your early convenience.2
There is enclosed herewith for your consideration the text of a reply
which, unless you see any objection, you may hand to the Afghan Minister
conveying this Government’s appreciation of the friendly sentiments
which he has expressed toward this country.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I am [etc.]
Draft Note From the American Ambassador
(Herrick) to the Afghan Minister
in France and Belgium (Nadir)3
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of Your Excellency’s letter of October 30, 1925 in which
you were good enough to indicate your Government’s desire that
friendly relations with the Government of the United States might be
maintained and that diplomatic and consular relations between the
two countries might, within the near future, be established.
I have not failed to communicate these facts to my Government
transmitting, at the same time, a copy of the draft treaty which you
so kindly furnished me and which, so you stated, you desired to
serve as the basis of a Treaty of Friendship to be concluded between
our two countries.
I am happy to be able to inform you that I am now in receipt of a
communication from my Government with respect to the suggestion
contained in your above mentioned communication. I have been
[Page 560]
instructed to convey to
Your Excellency my Government’s deep appreciation of the friendly
sentiments which you have been good enough to express toward the
United States and to inform you that my Government has been pleased,
furthermore, to note the renewed expression of your Government’s
desire to establish diplomatic and consular relations between the
two countries. Careful consideration will be afforded the draft
treaty which you have presented.
I need not assure Your Excellency that my Government recalls with
great pleasure the visit to the United States in 1921 of the Afghan
Mission headed by His Excellency Mohammed Wali Khan4 on which
occasion the President in a communication addressed to His Majesty
Amanullah Khan, Emir of Afghanistan, and handed to His Excellency
Mohammed Wali Khan, assured His Majesty of his wish that the
relations between the United States and Afghanistan might always be
of a friendly character and that he would be happy to cooperate with
His Majesty to that end.