701.90 h 11/6
The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to
the Secretary of State
Paris, November 4,
[Received November 16.]
No. 5671
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the
original and translation of a note addressed to me by the Minister of
Afghanistan, with which was transmitted a rough draft of a proposed
treaty between Afghanistan and the United States regarding the
establishment of an Afghan Legation at Washington, and an American
Legation at Kabul.
The Department’s instructions, regarding the nature of a reply to be made
to the Afghanistan Minister in the premises, are respectfully
I have [etc.]
The Afghan Minister in France and Belgium
to the American Ambassador (Herrick)
Paris, October 30,
No. 386
Mr. Ambassador: In our conversation of July
15th last,1
I made known to you the desire of the Royal Afghanistan Government
for the maintenance of friendly relations with the Government of the
United States of America, the appointment of diplomatic
representatives in the two countries respectively, as in other
countries of Europe, and the establishment of regular diplomatic
intercourse with the great American power which is a pioneer State
of civilization and progress in the entire world.
During our conversation mentioned above, I verified the harmony of
your friendly ideas with my own, and I have hastened to transmit
this information on to my Government, which has just communicated to
me the desire of Afghanistan to establish relations with the United
States of America.
[Page 558]
To this end, I had the honor verbally to discuss with you on October
28, 1925, the desire of my country to institute diplomatic
relations, and at the same time I hasten to confirm this by the
present letter. I have the honor to bring to the attention of your
Excellency that I have been charged by my Government to begin
conversations with the government of the United States of America
for the establishment of diplomatic relations with Afghanistan.
I have the honor to inform you that, as soon as you shall have
officially received a favorable reply from your government on this
subject, I shall be prepared to leave for Washington for the purpose
of concluding, in the name of Afghanistan, a treaty of friendship
with the great republic of the United States of America, the draft
of which I take pleasure in enclosing herewith.
Accept [etc.]
Draft of Treaty of Friendship
Desirous of facilitating the relations of friendship and commerce
between the Republic of the United States of America and
Afghanistan, His Excellency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
American Republic and His Excellency, Sirdar Ala Mohamed Nadir Khan,
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, of the Royal
Government of Afghanistan in France and Belgium, have agreed to the
- 1.
- The American government consents to receive a permanent
diplomatic mission from the Afghan government. The Afghan
government consents to receive a permanent diplomatic
mission from the American government. These missions shall
enjoy in both countries equal treatment in conformity with
international law.
- 2.
- The missions of both countries may consist of: a
representative of the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary, a Counsellor, a First Secretary,
two Second Secretaries, a Commercial Attaché and an
- 3.
- The representative of each country may float his national
flag above the building in which he resides. He may
communicate en clair and in code by
telegram and wireless with his government and its other
- 4.
- The contracting States are in agreement as regards the
conclusion in the future of a treaty for the purpose of
facilitating economic and consular relations.
- 5.
- The buildings of the contracting States shall enjoy the
right of extraterritoriality and in no case may they be used
for purposes of asylum by persons who violate local laws in
Done in two copies, English and Persian, both texts being of equal