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The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador (Daeschner)

Excellency: I have the honor to inform you that your note of February 25, 1925, concerning participation by the United States, [Page 176] by delegates with full powers, in an International Conference to be held at Paris in May 1926 for the purpose of revising the International Sanitary Convention of January 17, 1912, has had the careful consideration of the appropriate health officials of the United States, as has had also the draft of revision enclosed with your note.

These officials are of the opinion that it is extremely advisable to have a revision of the existing sanitary convention. The draft of revision which you furnished is in general approved by them when considered in connection with certain changes and explanations adopted by the Committee of the International Office of Public Hygiene as reported upon pages 279, et seq., of the Procès-Verbaux of the October, 1924 session. The Government of the United States is, therefore, pleased to inform you, in reply to the two inquiries of your note, that as at present advised, it will send a delegate, or delegates, with full powers to the International Conference at Paris for the purpose of revising the International Sanitary Convention of January 17, 1912.

However, certain suggested changes in the draft are now having the consideration of the Public Health officials, and the Government of the United States reserves to itself the right to propose these later.

At this time the Government of the United States desires to indicate the importance it attaches to American representation on the International Quarantine Board at Alexandria, Egypt, in view of the increased number of American vessels now passing through the Suez Canal, or trading directly with Egypt, and to give notice of its desire that the question of appropriate American representation on the Board be given a place in the agenda of the Conference.

Accept [etc.]

Frank B. Kellogg