The Ambassador in Japan (Woods) to
the Secretary of State
Tokyo, April 23,
[Received May 16.]
No. 459–E
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a
copy of Note No. 54, dated April 19, 1924, from the Imperial Japanese
Foreign Office to which reference was made in the Embassy’s telegram No.
77 of April 22, 11 A.M.75
The note in question sets forth the willingness of the Japanese
Government to adopt the Rules relating to Aerial Warfare and the Rules
relative to the Use of Radio in Time of War, prepared by the Commission
of Jurists who met at the Hague from December 11, 1922, to February 19,
I have [etc.]
The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs
to the American Ambassador (Woods)
Tokyo, April 19,
No. 54
Monsieur l’Ambassadeur: On March 4th last,
Mr. Caffery was good enough to address me a Note asking, under
instructions from his Government, for an expression of the views of
the Japanese Government on the adoption of the Rules relating to
Aerial Warfare and
[Page 96]
of the
Rules relative to the Use of Radio in time of War, both prepared by
the Commission of Jurists who met at the Hague from December 11,
1922, to February 19, 1923.
I have now the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Japanese
Government, believing, as they do, that the work of revising the
rules of warfare promoted by the Commission of Jurists at the Hague
is a matter for sincere congratulation in the interest of humanity,
are happy to acquiesce in the proposal of the American Government to
conclude as among the Powers represented on that Commission the two
conventions substantially on the lines suggested by the American
Delegation at the Hague on February 12, 1923, and presented to me in
Mr. Caffery’s Note under acknowledgment, (including a fourth Article
providing for the adherence of States other than the above-mentioned
Powers), the Rules for the Control of Radio in Time of War to one
Convention and the Rules for Aerial Warfare to the other, both
Conventions to be ratified in accordance with the constitutional
requirements of the signatory Powers.
I avail myself [etc.]