Extension of invitations to the Third International Radiotelegraph conference at Washington in 192716

16. The First International Radiotelegraph Conference met at Berlin in 1906; see Foreign Relations, 1912, pp. 444 ff., and Documents de la Conference Radiotélégraphique Internationale de Berlin, 1906, Publiés par le Département des Posts de l’Empire d’Allemagne (Berlin, 1906). The Second Conference met at London in 1912; see Foreign Relations, 1913, pp. 1375 ff. and Documents de la Conférence Radiotélégraphique Internationale de Londres (Berne, Bureau International de l’Union Télégraphique, 1913).

[197] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton)

574.D7/82: Telegram

[198] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Switzerland (Winslow)

574.D7/106: Telegram

[199] The Chargé in Switzerland (Winslow) to the Secretary of State

574.D7/116: Telegram

[200] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Switzerland (Winslow)

574.D7/117: Telegram