
The Secretary of State to the Permian Ambassador (Velarde)

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note, dated June 18, 1925, together with its enclosure, a communication of the same date addressed by you to the President, as Arbitrator in the Tacna-Arica arbitration, and to enclose a communication from the Arbitrator, dated June 29, 1925, in reply thereto, for transmission to the Government of Peru.

Accept [etc.]

Frank B. Kellogg
[Page 369]

President Coolidge to the Permian Ambassador (Velarde)

In the Matter of the
Tacna-Arica Arbitration
29, 1925

The Arbitrator has had the honor to receive and carefully examine the communication addressed to him under date of June 18, 1925, by the Ambassador of Peru and notes with satisfaction the appointment of the Peruvian member of the Plebiscitary Commission.

The Arbitrator adheres in all respects to his ruling of April 9, 1925, and is of the opinion that this ruling leaves nothing to be said on his part in response to the present communication of the Government of Peru.

A copy of the communication of the Peruvian Government and of this response is being furnished to the Ambassador of the Government of Chile.

Calvin Coolidge


By the Arbitrator
Frank B. Kellogg
Secretary of State