The Minister in Portugal (Dearing) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 19.]
Sir: Adverting to the Department’s instruction No. 639, of April 21, 1925, relative to the appointment of Customs Attachés to this Legation,80 I now have the honor to transmit herewith copy and translation of a note from the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs in answer to my note No. 318, of May 9, 1925, copy of which was transmitted the Department as an enclosure to my despatch No. 1070, of May 9, 1925.82
In view of the fact that the Portuguese Government has now expressed its inability to accept the proposal for the appointment of [Page 250] Customs Attachés to this Legation, I have the honor to request that the Department be so good as to issue to the Legation such instructions as it deems necessary under the circumstances.86
I have [etc.]