462.00 R 296/393: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
213. L–94, for Logan. Your L–185, July 2, 7 p.m. Morrow finds it impossible, for personal reasons, to consider appointment, and his name will be withdrawn from consideration. The present prospect is that Owen Young will be willing to accept appointment, under certain conditions, for a definite time. Question of appointment should be held in abeyance until London Conference, when whole situation will be discussed. Owen Young sails July 5 on the Leviathan. During the conference in London I do not desire that there be any announcement with respect to appointment of an American Agent, although for your information and discreet use I may say that this Government has no objection to such an appointment. [Page 138] Department wishes you to arrange to be in London when Young arrives.