123 B 773/73: Telegram
The High Commissioner in Turkey (Bristol) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 16—9:38 a.m.]
71. Following message received from Admiral Bristol who is in Anatolia:
I visited Angora from April 7 to 13. Representative of Foreign Office met me and, during my entire stay, I was cordially received by Turkish officials. I had a long conference April 6 with Ismet Pasha in which we discussed in a general way American and Turkish interests with respect to business and benevolent institutions. I conferred with the President of the Assembly, Fethi Bey, and attended a session of the Assembly. By appointment I conferred with Ministers of Finance, Interior, Education, and Health. I discussed in these conferences the great necessity of having all present and future issues settled by investigation and on the principle of a square deal from the Government without such arbitrary actions as the closing of institutions thus adversely affecting public opinion in the United States. I believe the relations which I have established will in the future facilitate the protection of American interests.
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