The Ambassador in Spain (Moore) to
the Secretary of State
Madrid, April 27,
[Received May 13.]
Sir: In confirmation of my cable No. 23, of
April 27, 11 A.M.,9 I
have the honor to report that the date of expiration of the Commercial
Agreement of August 1, 190610 has been postponed for
one year, or until May 5, 1925. This postponement has been accomplished
by an exchange of Notes between the Spanish Foreign Office and this
Embassy (Foreign Office Note No. 40, of April 26th, and the Embassy’s
Note No. 146, of today’s date), copies and translations of which are
herewith enclosed. The present prorogation was procured under exactly
the same conditions as the prorogation agreed to by the exchange of
Notes between this Embassy and the Foreign Office of October 6th and 23d
[22d], 1923.11
I have [etc.]
[Page 688]
The President of the Spanish Military
Directorate, Ministry of State (Estella) to
the American Ambassador (Moore)
Madrid, April 26,
No. 40
Excellency: As a result of our
conversations regarding the being in force of the Commercial
Agreement, agreed to by Spain and the United States through the
exchange of Notes dated October 6th and 22d, 1923, I have the honor
to inform Your Excellency that the Government of His Majesty agrees
to postpone for one year, or until May 5, 1925, the date of
expiration of the above-mentioned Agreement.
Consequently, I consider that this postponement will be agreed to
through the exchange of this Note with that which Your Excellency
will be good enough to send me, expressing his conformity
I avail myself [etc.]
[Enclosure 2]
The American Ambassador (Moore) to the President of the Spanish Military
Directorate, Ministry of State (Estella)
Madrid, April 27,
No. 146
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge
Your Excellency’s courteous Note No. 40, of April 26th, 1924, in
which was expressed the agreement of His Majesty’s Government to the
postponement for one year, or until May 5, 1925, of the date of
expiration of the Commercial Treaty at present in force between our
two countries.
On behalf of my Government, I accept this postponement, as outlined
in Your Excellency’s above-mentioned Note, and consider this as
definitely arranged through the exchange of Your Excellency’s Note
under acknowledgment and this present one.
I avail myself [etc.]