The Minister in Persia (Kornfeld) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 5.]
Sir: Referring to Legation’s telegram No. 7 dated January 26, 11 a.m., and Legation’s despatch No. 364 dated January 28, 1924,16 I have the honor to advise the Department that, in a recent conference with the Prime Minister, the latter informed me that the Persian Government has decided not to undertake to build railroads until Persia’s coal and iron resources will have been thoroughly investigated, in the hope that it will be found that Persia can manufacture the steel necessary for railroad construction. In the meantime Mr. Bennett is to prepare a project for the building of metalled roads and to enter into communication with competent engineers to make a study of Persia’s coal and iron resources.
I understand that this change is perfectly acceptable to Mr. Bennett.
I have [etc.]
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