881.00/925: Telegram

The Minister in Belgium (Phillips) to the Secretary of State


64. Department’s no. 45, June 4, 5 p.m.6 Belgian Government took occasion to transmit to British, French, and Spanish Governments certain observations, as follows, upon receipt of an invitation from them to nominate a Belgian with rank of captain to head Tangier gendarmerie:

Belgian Government of opinion that Belgian head of gendarmerie should have at least two Belgian lieutenants as his assistants instead of one French assistant and one Spanish.
In opinion of Belgian Government the new convention did not give sufficient guarantees to countries besides the three mentioned above in regard to equality of economic opportunity and public works, and the countries asked to adhere to the new convention had no knowledge of the regulations which the new administration, which will be controlled by the three powers signatory to the convention, may put into effect.
As Belgium had no representative on the proposed Mixed Tribunals, the Belgian Government was not disposed to receive with favor the abolition of the rights of its nationals to be tried before Belgian consular courts. Belgian Government suggested that all countries which should adhere to the convention should be given representation on the Mixed Tribunals.

The Belgian Government was then informed by identic notes from the French and British Governments that it was impossible to make any changes in the convention because of the difficulty which had been encountered in reaching an agreement. The Belgian Government is still considering form of reply to be made.

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Belgian Government seems to feel that it will eventually be forced to adhere to the present convention. It has reached no decision in regard to the chief of the gendarmerie. If possible it will make a reservation in regard to the Mixed Tribunals as this is the article to which it chiefly objects. It will also endeavor to make some sort of reservation in regard to its second observation given above. Belgian Government feels that nation is too small to take any effective action against operation of this convention, and an article in the London Times criticizing Belgium’s attitude toward the new convention has had a certain effect. In regard to the Tangier port concession, the Belgian Government has taken no action and is not yet in a position to comment.

  1. See footnote 3, p. 456.