
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Warren)

No. 89

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 8514, of May 14, 1924,23 with reference to your telegram No. 118 of April 11th,23 in regard to the method of obtaining relief by direct appeal to the Governors of the States after they have been advised by the Mexican Government of its decision, when demands are made [Page 447] for repayment by American citizens of taxes already paid to de facto authorities. You enclose a copy of despatch No. 504, of April 29th,24 from the Consul at Guadalajara, submitting a list of nine cases involving matters of the repayment of taxes or expropriation which have already been settled. You say that from present indications it appears that the general question of double taxation, as it affects American citizens, has been satisfactorily settled.

In reply I beg to inform you that the Department is pleased with the gratifying results reported in your despatch.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Joseph C. Grew
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