
The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State

No. 8208

Sir: In confirmation of the Department’s telegram No. 16 January 7, 6 p.m., in regard to the embargo on the shipment of arms and munitions from the United States to Mexico, I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy and translation of Foreign Office note No. 261 of January 9, 1924, in reply to my note of the 8th instant.

I have [etc.]

George T. Summerlin

The Mexican Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Saenz) to the American Chargé (Summerlin)

No. 261

Mr. Chargé d’Affaires: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your note no. 182, dated yesterday, in which by direction of your Government you inform me that the President of the United States established an embargo upon the shipment of arms and munitions from the United States to Mexico, excepting exportations of arms and war supplies made to the Government of Mexico which has been recognized by the Government of the United States.

The Mexican Government has taken note of the decision of the American Executive and through me expresses its satisfaction with the justice of this measure toward the rebels.

I take [etc.]

Aarón Saenz
  1. File translation revised.