811.348 Z 4/185: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Germany (Robbins)

147. Please inform Foreign Office that Navy Department on behalf of the United States Government officially accepted the ZR–3 on November 10 pursuant to terms of Article 9 of Agreement of June 26, 1922 between the United States and the German Government.8 Request Foreign Office officially to notify Zeppelin Company of this acceptance in accordance with Article 19 of contract of June 26, 1922 between Captain Upham, representing Navy Department, and Zeppelin Company.9

  1. Not printed; the agreement was signed by Ambassador Houghton and Herr von Haniel to carry into effect the resolution adopted by the Conference of Ambassadors, Paris, at its 157th meeting, Dec. 16, 1921 (see Foreign Relations, 1921, vol. ii, p. 69).
  2. Contract not printed.