811.348 Z 4/161: Telegram
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Kellogg) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 13—11:15 a.m.]
377. My 373, September 10, 11 a.m.2 The Foreign Office has transmitted to me a permit for the flight of the ZR–3 for passage over Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The permit which must be carried in the airship is valid from the 10th of September to December 31st next.
I am transmitting it today to the naval officer in charge at Friedrichshafen via the naval attaché at Paris.
The British High Commissioner at Coblenz has granted the necessary authority for the flight over British occupied territory in Germany.
The Foreign Office has not yet received authorizations from the Irish Free State and Bermuda but are pressing for their reply.
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