811.348 Z 4/151: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Charge in Germany (Robbins)

100. Your despatch 421, October 5, 1923.99 For your information. Navy Department states that Zeppelin is expected to start transatlantic [Page 177] flight on or about September 25 and that route will probably be over some part of France, Belgium, Holland, England and the Occupied Territory of Germany. It is also possible that Zeppelin may pass over Ireland and Canada.

Inasmuch as Zeppelin contract provides specifically for acceptance of airship by this Government only upon delivery in the United States, it is clear that German Government should not be requested to authorize flight over German territory on airship’s transatlantic trip. The consideration that trial flights over German territory are apparently causing no difficulty lends weight to this view.

You should, however, notify Foreign Office of probable date of transatlantic flight and Department leaves manner of notification to your discretion provided only that it shall not assume the form of asking authority or permission for the flight.

Please report by telegraph.

  1. Not printed.