811.348 Z 4/139: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Kellogg)

41. Your 56, February 13, 1 p.m. Contract with German authorities provides specifically for delivery of ZR–3 to this Government at Lakehurst, New Jersey. Until such delivery it will be operated by German crew. During trial and transatlantic flight, however, there will be on board several United States Navy and Army Officers to observe operations.

This Government has already stated that this Zeppelin is to be employed for commercial and not military purposes (See minutes of 138th and 141st meetings of Conference of Ambassadors94). The Navy Department has been delegated to act on behalf of this Government in matters dealing with the construction, acceptance and maintenance of the airship and for that reason the Zeppelin will be incorporated in the naval establishment of the United States until such time as its final disposition is determined upon. Zeppelin is to be considered a civilian airship.

  1. Not printed.