811.348 Z 4/60
The Ambassador in Spain (Moore) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 22.]
Sir: With reference to the Department’s unnumbered Instruction of September 18th last, asking me to advise the Spanish Government of the proposed flight of the Rigid Airship ZR–3, with a view to securing permission for the airship to pass over Spanish territory, I have the honor to report that the Spanish Foreign Office stated, in reply to my request in this regard, that, in order to secure the desired permission, the following information must be given: the place at which the airship will enter Spain; the object of the voyage; the place where the airship will desire to land; the time that it will remain in Spanish territory; the place at which the airship will leave Spanish territory to return to the United States; the name of the pilot of the airship; its cargo, with details as to weight and quality; mark of nationality and registration number; and the type of the airship and motor.
I at once replied to the Foreign Office giving them the information at my disposal, but I have the honor to ask that the requested details be forwarded to me.
I am communicating the above information by despatch rather than by cable as I have been informed that the date of the airship’s journey has been postponed.
I have [etc.]