393.1123 Lincheng/159: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Schurman)6

138. Your telegram 226, June 15, 6 p.m.

[Here follows a summary of the memorandum of June 30 from the British Chargé printed on page 671, and of the Secretary’s note of July 9 to the British Chargé printed supra.]

On July 7th, Counselor of Japanese Embassy called on Chief of Division of Far Eastern Affairs to discuss British suggestions which appear to have been communicated to Japanese Government substantially as in the memorandum of June 30 to this Government. While it was emphasized to him that detailed discussions and negotiations on this subject must be centered in the Peking Diplomatic Body, the general attitude of this Government was explained to him as set forth in the above summary of reply to the British memorandum and in so much of Department’s telegram No. 121, June 23, 3 p.m., as relates to proposed railway police.

Japanese Counselor said that his Government’s inquiries in London had elicited no concrete plan for suggested naval demonstration, and that his Government did not favor such a demonstration which might require landing of forces and lead to further complication of the situation.

As to proposed railway police he said his Government in response to inquiries had been advised by British Embassy in Tokyo that British Government’s plan contemplates “Foreign officers would presumably be under the Chinese authorities to the same extent as foreign employees in Salt gabelle, etcetera. To insure essential coordination and the regular allocation of funds for the police budget it would seem very desirable to secure appointment of foreign accountants-in-chief and possibly traffic managers associated with Chinese and endowed with properly prescribed functions.” He stated that his Government would be favorably disposed towards [Page 678] such a plan on the assumption that the choice and distribution of foreign officers would be arranged fairly and with a view to effective results. He said Japanese Government did not favor the British suggestion that railway police might be organized by the foreign Powers in the event of the Chinese authorities failing to do so, as it questions whether such interference in Chinese affairs would be consistent with Washington Conference Treaties.

He said that his Government had not expressed itself on the Shanghai demands, but had merely advised the Embassy that the British Foreign Office did not favor them.

Repeat as No. 69 to Tokyo which it is assumed you are keeping adequately advised of main lines of discussion on this subject.

  1. See last paragraph for instructions to repeat to Tokyo as no. 69.