711.1211/26a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin)
9. Juan Ochoa Ramos, claiming to have special instructions from Pani,2 has called at the Department and has stated that he is authorized to say that General Obregon will authorize signature of the proposed Treaty of Amity and Commerce3 immediately after the signing of the two claims conventions4 proposed by Pani provided implicit recognition is extended on the signing of the first convention, the second to be signed immediately thereafter. The Treaty of Amity and Commerce would remain unchanged except that those provisions covered in the two claims conventions would, of course, be omitted.
Ramos says he will telegraph Pani today and suggest that he have General Obregon confirm to you his readiness to carry out the above plan so that it may reach the Department through established channels.
Ramos was told that certain minor changes probably would be necessary in the claims conventions and that any proposal from the Mexican authorities which involved any fundamental change in the draft Treaty of Amity and Commerce, or which did not include its signature immediately after signature of claims conventions would be futile.
Cable any developments or proposals which may be made along these lines and if approached on the subject develop fully what Obregon is willing to do without however committing the Department.
- Mexican Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.↩
- For draft of treaty, see Foreign Relations, 1921, vol. ii, p. 397.↩
- For drafts of the two conventions, see ibid., pp. 508 and 511.↩