Insistence by the United States upon the jurisdiction of its consular courts over American protégés in Morocco
[641] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Wallace)
Washington, January 3,
381.8121 El 6/—
[642] The Ambassador in France (Wallace) to the Secretary of State
Paris, February 8,
[Received February 28.]
[Received February 28.]
381.8121 El 6/2
[643] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
Washington, December 29,
381.8121 El 6/2
[644] The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Blake)
Washington, January 24,
381.8121 El 6/3
[645] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
Washington, May 26,
381.8121—El Mamoon, Allal Ben
[646] The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State
Paris, June 21,
[Received July 5.]
[Received July 5.]
381.8121—El Mamoon, Allal Ben
[647] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in France (whitehouse)
Washington, October 17,
381.8121—El Mamoon
[648] The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State
Paris, December 26,
[Received January 10, 1923.]
[Received January 10, 1923.]
381.8121—Mamoon, Allal Ben El