815.00/2337: Telegram
The Minister in Salvador (Schuyler) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:50 p.m.]
17. Your 11, April 4, 5 p.m.10 The President informs me that Ferrara leader of the Honduranean revolutionists and their only strong man was given permission to leave this city after the Minister [Page 566] of Honduras here also had given him permission to do so to visit his children’s graves in the orient of Salvador. Ferrara returned from visit a few days ago, reported to the President and the Honduranean Minister and soon thereafter fled. All other emigrants including Soriana in this city and Mesa Calix in Santa Ana under surveillance except General Leiva who has been working for the International Railways and was not watched. He disappeared some days ago and is now reported near Esperanza. The Salvadorean commandant at Chalatenango reports 60 armed men in an inaccessible mountain near the frontier and states that he cannot capture them unless he gets reinforcements to the 25 men of his force. This latter movement is regarded here as intended to divert attention from the real operations around Esperanza. Strict orders have been given local commanders on frontier to arrest all persons crossing border. The Department is aware that this frontier has many wild and inaccessible mountains where all sorts of things can be carried on without observation.
The President is in cipher communication with General Gutiérrez brother of the President of Honduras commanding at Esperanza and recently warned him not to leave his post as something was going on. Above repeated to American Legation at Tegucigalpa.
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