868.48/114: Telegram

The High Commissioner at Constantinople (Bristol) to the Acting Secretary of State

192. Referring to my telegram number 190, September 18, 7 p.m. Following from Smyrna repeated for the Department’s information:

“Seventeenth. Official proclamation by the Turks. Refugee men from 18 to 45 prisoners of war. All others may be evacuated up to October 1st. Deportations continuing. Disorder still prevalent. Case of shooting witnessed on water front stopped. Americans continuing coming in city. Four to-day. All on board excepting American Consul and two Blackler women at Budja orphanage. Relief committee ashore during the day. Fifty thousand in readiness for evacuation north end of city. Relief again organized. Turks furnishing hard-tack to certain extent; fire still burning but not considered dangerous. Edsall”.16

  1. The U.S.S. Edsall.