767.68119/201: Telegram
The Special Mission at Lausanne69 to the Secretary of State
[Received November 26, 10:55 a.m.]
24. The Allies control the agenda and order of bringing up subjects for consideration and are manipulating this advantage. Questions relating to Mesopotamia are imminent and urgent. There is reason to believe that the policy of Great Britain, backed by the general attitude of the Conservatives in England, may be to seek withdrawal from Mesopotamia in return for advantages with respect to concessions, especially in the matter of petroleum. Instructions concerning definite arrangements are now lacking, but are necessary at once if we are to safeguard American interests adequately. We feel that with such instructions we might be able to give protection to American interests outside of Conference meetings instead of being placed in the position of entering a protest.
- Child
- Grew
- The Ambassador in Italy (Child) and the Minister in Switzerland (Grew) had been instructed to be present at Lausanne as observers during the sessions of the conference for negotiating peace between the Allies and Turkey.↩