The Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs, Department of State (White) to the Dominican Representatives (Velasquez, Vasquez, and Peynado)
Gentlemen: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo, in reply to mine of the same date, and to inform you that I have noted the contents thereof.
As regards your observation with respect of [to?] the reservation made in the second paragraph of my letter, I desire to point out to you that the last sentence of that paragraph, stating, “It is understood, of course, that such changes, if any, as may be deemed necessary will be for the objects above stated” referring to such modifications as might be necessary to protect the rights acquired by third persons under the Military Government, would appear fully to meet with your objections so that the reservation contained in the last sentence of your letter under acknowledgment would appear not to be necessary.
I desire, however, to point out to you that the reservation was made on behalf of the Department of State and such modifications, if any, as may be necessary, will, of course, also be made by the Department of State or its representative, and not by persons apart from the deliberations which we have been holding, as your letter [Page 33] would seem to suggest. In view of this, you will wish, I feel sure, to withdraw the reservation made in your letter.
I am [etc.]