862q.01/17: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
48. French note of December 5, 1922,39 concerning B mandates, transmitted with your despatch No. 2660, December 8, 1922.
Please transmit to M. Poincaré a memorandum as follows:
“My Government has given careful consideration to the views advanced in your note of December 5, 1922, with regard to the proposed treaties for the Cameroons and Togoland and the French mandates for those territories.
It is noted that since the date of the Embassy’s last note on this matter, Article 7 of the mandates for the Cameroons and Togoland has been redrafted and that the final text of this Article, as confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations on July 20, 1922, [Page 154] is substantially similar to paragraph 1 of Article II of the treaty between the United States and Japan, regarding the former German Islands north of the equator, signed February 11, 1922. My Government will therefore not object to the text of Article 7 as defined by the Council of the League of Nations. It is understood, however, that such acquiescence in no way affects the position heretofore taken by this Government in regard to American missionary and educational institutions in “A” mandate territories.
On the above understanding, my Government is willing to proceed immediately to the signature of these conventions.40
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