862q.01/9: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 13—12:52 a.m.]
283. Your 216 July 10, 5 p.m. Your text satisfactory to French. Government except that it wishes recital relative to our treaty with Germany to read as follows: [Page 151]
“Benefits accruing under the aforesaid article 119 of the treaty of Versailles were confirmed to the United States by the treaty.”
French translation of “confirmed” is “reconnus”. There was also some discussion relative to the word “consents” in article 1 but it was finally agreed to by making French translation “declare accepter”.
Regarding your suggestion as to elimination from article 7 of the mandate of words “subject to the supervision which would be necessary for the maintenance of good administration” French Government does not consider that they duplicate the opening clause. The opening clause relates to public order and public morals but not to particular conditions which it is necessary to provide for such as the acquisition of property or the opening of schools. Thus any acquisition of property must be registered; while as to schools certain standards in regard to teaching must be demanded, for example that teachers must be properly qualified as such in their own countries. Further it may be necessary to impose certain restrictions at least temporarily on the teaching of the German language. None of these conditions affect either public order or morals. Foreign Office points out also that these conditions are applicable to all residents, French as well as others. French Government is unable therefore to accept your suggestion and hopes you will not insist upon it.