890d.01/83: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State

288. Your 224, July 14, 4 p.m.18 On account of the urgency of the matter draft convention for Syria was taken up with Foreign Office after only two sections of telegram containing your memorandum had been received.

Your draft entirely satisfactory except for last sentence of article VII which they understand you intend to discuss after the meeting of the League Council.

In regard to the mandate your suggestions relative to articles V and XVIII are agreed to. Article V will read as at present with an additional paragraph translating your text beginning at “unless the powers whose nationals.” Second paragraph article XVIII is entirely suppressed.

Article XI is also modified as you wish.

Article XIX becomes article XX and a new article XIX is inserted as you suggest at the end of your memorandum. A translation of this article reads as follows:

“Upon the termination the mandate it will be incumbent on the Council of the League of Nations to make the necessary arrangements to safeguard for the future the execution by the Syrian Government of the financial obligations including all pensions regularly assumed by the Syrian administration during the term of the mandate.”

  1. Not printed.