The Minister in the Dominican Republic
to the Secretary of
Domingo, March 5,
[Received March 21.]
No. 742
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, in
accordance with your instructions of February 10, the following
political leaders and representative Dominicans were invited to a
conference with the Military Governor and myself. The conference took
place in the Palace of the Archbishop on February 23rd, the following
being invited: Archbishop Noüel; General Horacio Vasquez; Federico
Velasquez; Enrique Jimenez; Dr. Ramón Baez (ex-President); Francisco J.
Peynado; José M. Cabral y Baez (ex-Minister for Foreign Affairs); Rafael
J. Castillo (President Supreme Court); Tulio M. Cestero; Jacinto R. de
Castro; Manuel de J. Troncoso de la Concha; Juan Fco. Sanchez (Civil
Gov. Santo Domingo Province); Manuel de J. Lluveres (Sub-Secretary of
The Archbishop did not attend on account of the delicate state of his
health. Dr. Henriquez y Carvajal11 is absent in Cuba, but was represented
by Tulio Cestero. Dr. Ramón Baez excused himself on account of
professional duties.
I am enclosing herewith a copy of the statement that was given to each
one of those present, and also a copy of their reply.
It seemed that all of those attending the conference came with their
minds made up to accept nothing, as very little attention was paid to
our statement, and nothing whatever was said in regard to the financial
[Page 14]
plan that accompanied the
statement. The main objection was the question of the Legation guard in
place of the military commission, as it was stated that this matter of
having foreign forces in Dominican territory would bring about a
condition similar to that in Nicaragua, and that a continuance of the
occupation for a hundred years would be preferable. The Admiral and I
stated that we would like every one to study the statement very
carefully for a few days, and that we would be glad to have another
conference for further discussion. That same afternoon those who
attended the conference held a meeting and drafted and signed the reply
as enclosed. This reply was printed in the Listin
Diario, and the signers were all characterized as heroes, and
this seems to have ended the matter. The general opinion is that the
leaders, not wishing to assume responsibility for anything, and to avoid
attack in the press, preferred to allow matters to remain as they are
for two years longer; and that the question of permanent financing is
very acceptable, but the responsibility therefor has been evaded.
It is quite evident that the leaders and representative Dominicans, and
through them the people, will never accept anything in the nature of the
military mission, nor anything similar to it. The press has been notably
mild, and there has been less agitation than for many months. …
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I have [etc.]
[Enclosure 1]
Statement of the Military Governor of Santo
Domingo (Robison) and the American Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell) Addressed to the
Political Leaders and Representative Dominicans Attending the
Conference of February 23
[Santo Domingo,] 21
February, 1922.
Gentlemen: 1. The Military Governor of
Santo Domingo and the American Minister to the Dominican Republic
having been called to Washington, D. C., to confer on Dominican
affairs and having now returned to Santo Domingo, announce that as
the result of their conferences with the United States Department of
State, they have been instructed to advise you, as leaders of the
various political parties of the Republic and as representative
Dominicans, to the following effect:
- (a)
- That the United States Government, having announced its
sincere desire and intention to withdraw from the Dominican
Republic with only such treaty provisions as may be
necessary to insure the proper discharge of its
responsibilities in Santo Domingo and to the Dominican
people, has given the Dominican people ample time
[Page 15]
to consider the
terms of the Proclamation of June 14, 1921, but, in spite of
earnest and continued efforts to convince the Dominican
people of the sincerity of the United States Government in
this matter, the Dominican people have given no evidence of
their willingness to accept the terms of the Proclamation of
June 14. The United States Government is unwilling to permit
the present state of suspense and uncertainty to continue
because of its detrimental effects both on the economical
and on the political well-being of the Dominican people and,
unless Dominican leaders now request the issue of a call for
elections as provided in the Proclamation of June 14, 1921,
and agree that the members of their respective parties will
participate in such elections, the Proclamation of June 14,
1921, as well as the Proclamation of December 23, 1920,12 will
be annulled and withdrawn and the administration of the
Dominican Republic by the United States will continue until
such time as the urgent public works now in the process of
construction have been completed; an adequate Dominican
Constabulary is functioning; and satisfactory arrangements
made to turn over the administration of Dominican affairs to
a properly constituted Dominican Government. The urgent
public works referred to are, the completion of the main
“carretera” to the North and the main roads from Santo
Domingo to Higuey and to Comendador, respectively. The time
required to complete these roads and to recruit and train an
adequate Constabulary which will permit the entire
withdrawal of all United States Military Forces is estimated
to be not longer than two years from July 1, 1922.
- (b)
- You are further advised that the following words used in
the Proclamation of June 14, 1921, namely “These elections
will be held under the supervision of the authorities
designated by the Military Governor” were not intended to
imply that the authorities so designated should necessarily
be officials of the Military Government or officers of the
American Forces in the Dominican Republic but that the
authorities to be designated by the Military Governor might
well be Dominican citizens recommended for such position by
the Dominican political leaders and you are aware of the
fact that the existing Election Law provides for
representatives of the various political parties as watchers
and members of Election Boards. It is not contemplated that
the Military Authorities will take any action whatever
except in cases of disturbances or disputes which will
interfere with the orderly conduct of the elections or their
legality under the Election Law.
- (c)
- The United States Government is willing to make a final
concession relative to Article 5 of the Convention of
Evacuation proposed in the Proclamation of June 14,
regarding the sending to Santo Domingo of a Military Mission
from the United States, against which Article Dominican
opposition appears to have concentrated. This concession
will take the form of the omission of that Article from the
Convention of Evacuation with the understanding that the
United States Government will maintain a Legation Guard of
United States Marines until such time as the Government of
the United States and the Dominican Government agree that
public order is adequately safeguarded
[Page 16]
by the Dominican Constabulary.
(An understanding may well be reached, informally, whereby
the officers of this Legation Guard may lend their services
as instructors in the Dominican Constabulary and such an
arrangement will undoubtedly be made if the Dominican people
sincerely desire the complete withdrawal of the United
States Military Forces at the earliest possible
- (d)
- Aside from the present political situation and regardless
of whether the Republic is turned over to a properly
constituted Dominican Government in the near future or at a
later date, the financial situation of the Dominican
Government, caused by the World-wide economic depression
makes immediate permanent financing absolutely essential to
the proper conduct of that government and your attention is
invited to the enclosed financial memorandum relative
thereto.13 If such
financing is not undertaken immediately by the Military
Government, advantage cannot be taken of the terms specified
for the redemption of the 1918 and 1921 loans and the
government will have no security to offer for funds
necessary to complete the main roads nor to recruit the
Constabulary to a strength sufficient to maintain security
of life and property throughout the Republic and the
withdrawal of the United States Military Forces will in
consequence be indefinitely postponed. Moreover the new
Dominican Government, assuming that elections were held and
a new government installed, would find itself without funds
to properly conduct its affairs, whereas, with a loan
already negotiated in accordance with the financial
memorandum referred to above the new government will have a
working balance in the Treasury and its yearly charges for
interest and amortization of the public debt will be
substantially decreased and this, in view of present
economic conditions, is most vital. Therefore, in order that
Dominican finances may be stabilized; that the program of
urgent public improvements may be continued; and that an
adequate Dominican Constabulary may be recruited and
trained; and the functions of government may be carried on
in an economical but efficient manner, the Government of the
United States will authorize the Military Government to
negotiate immediately a permanent loan of $10,000,000, the
allocation of which will be in accordance with the financial
memorandum previously referred to. The preliminary steps for
floating such a loan are now being taken.
- (e)
- The floatation by the Military Government of the permanent
loan will necessarily entail the extension of the life of
the Receivership General of Dominican Customs, the
establishment of which is provided by the Convention of 1907
between the United States and Dominican Republic. Such
extension of the Receivership will be necessary whether the
permanent loan is floated by the Military Government or by
the subsequent Dominican Government since no loan can be
obtained without an extension of the duties of the
Receivership General in this manner; and therefore the
United States desires to include in the Treaty of Evacuation
an article which will make provision for such extension and
a further provision similar to that made in the Convention
of 1907 for the expenditure
[Page 17]
of funds from the loan substantially in
accordance with the financial memorandum referred to.
2. The Military Governor and the American Minister hold themselves in
readiness to discuss fully and frankly with the political leaders
and representative Dominicans all matters pertaining to Dominican
affairs and they trust that this conference will result in an
agreement on the part of Dominican leaders to take part in the
elections, the first step toward providing a properly constituted
Dominican Government and accomplishing the disoccupation of Santo
Domingo by the United States Forces.
3. It is requested that you give this subject your immediate and
earnest attention and that you be prepared to inform us of your
decision at an early date.
S. S. Robison
Rear Admiral, United States Navy
Governor of Santo DomingoWilliam W. Russell
United States Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
to the Republic of Santo Domingo
[Enclosure 2]
Reply of the Political Leaders and
Representative Dominicans to the Statement of the Military
Governor of Santo Domingo (Robison)
and American Minister in the Dominican
Republic (Russell)
Santo Domingo, February 23, 1922.
Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, convened
this afternoon, and having read carefully the document presented by
you at the meeting held today in the Capitular Hall of the
Archbishop’s Palace, we have unanimously decided to ratify our
statements of this morning to the effect that it is impossible to
consider any point raised in said document, and we sustain our
unswerving protest against the occupation of the Dominican Republic
by the Military Forces of the United States.
With the expression of our highest consideration, we remain,
- J. M. Cabral y B.
- Federico Velasquez
- Ml. de J. Troncoso de La
- Enrique Jimenez
- Juan F. Sanchez
- Horacio Vasquez
- R. J. Castillo
- Lluveres
- Francisco J. Peynado
- Jacinto R. de Castro
- Tulio M. Cestero