837.51/826: Telegram

The Representative on Special Mission in Cuba (Crowder) to the Acting Secretary of State

54. Press despatches this morning indicate wide publication in the United States of a so-called ultimatum delivered by me to the Cuban Government. Of course no ultimatum was sent. In discussing with President Zayas the lack of progress in Congress in reaching a decision on the five legislative measures mentioned in the Department’s public statement of August 22nd,45 I said to him that I would wait ten days longer for Congress to reach a decision and then would report to my Government, going to Washington if necessary for that purpose. I made this same statement to a leader of the Lower House which immediately went into continuous session for the completion of the program. It has all but completed four of these measures and it is expected that the final measure of the loan statute lists will be reached. President Zayas assured me yesterday that he felt he could count on a two-thirds majority on the latter statute in both Houses.

[Page 1038]

Obstruction in Congress mainly due to effort to amend in conference the debt commission bill by inserting language which would require all administration’s indebtedness to be settled at the unit prices named in contract without regard to the fairness of the prices or legality of the contract … The effect of my statement thus far has been helpful to the situation.

  1. See telegram no. 51, Aug. 21, from General Crowder, supra.