
Memorandum by the Secretary of State of a Conversation with the Cuban Minister (Céspedes), May 29, 192237

The Minister called at the Secretary’s request. (See General Crowder’s telegram No. 30, May 28, 1 p.m.) The Secretary expressed the hope that the Minister would inform President Zayas that this Government fully supported General Crowder’s recommendations. The Secretary said that he wished to emphasize two points: (1) that the adoption of the course suggested by General Crowder was necessary for Cuban stability and could make a firm basis of Republican Government in Cuba; and (2) that it was a rare opportunity through which President Zayas, in effecting the necessary reforms would be able to achieve a reputation second to none in Cuban history. The Secretary called attention to the recommendations of General Crowder in his memoranda, Nos. 6, 7, 8 and 10, recapitulating these, and said that it was most important that these should be adopted. He asked the Minister to convey to President Zayas the opinion of this Government as to the seriousness of the situation and the necessity of radical reforms as General Crowder had suggested. The Minister said that he had communicated with President Zayas his own opinion along the lines suggested by the Secretary and he was glad to have this official statement of the Secretary which he would at once present forcibly to President Zayas.

  1. General Crowder was informed on June 1 of this interview.