500.A4/286: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Warren) to the Secretary of State


390. …

I informed Prime Minister Takahashi that I had talked with Hara50 about China and Siberia, and I asked if any new instructions on Far Eastern questions would be given. He said no, that he agreed with Hara’s policies, that he was prepared to make an agreement for free and equal opportunity for trade in China, wanted to assist in helping her, and in general favored the open-door policy and would agree to put practical inauguration of the principle into effect. I asked if he felt there would be much difficulty in finding a common policy on Far Eastern problems and he said no. His thoughts constantly turned toward the financial aspect. He mentioned the great saving to be brought about by the sweeping character of the proposals and stated that he would be [pleased?] if economic questions would be considered after the other problems were disposed of. He talked at length on these questions.

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  1. Paraphrase of the entire telegram is printed on p. 61.
  2. Takashi Hara, formerly Japanese Prime Minister.