
Mr. V. K. Wellington Koo, of the Chinese Delegation, Conference on the Limitation of Armament, to the Secretary of State

Sir: With reference to the treaty relative to Shantung concluded between China and Japan, the text of which Mr. Sze communicated to you February 4, 1922, I now have the honor, in Mr. Sze’s absence from the city, to enclose to you two copies of “Agreed Terms of Understanding Recorded in the Minutes of the Chinese and Japanese Delegations Concerning the Conclusion of the Treaty for the Settlement of Outstanding Questions Relative to Shantung.” I may add that these have been duly initialed by the Chinese and Japanese plenipotentiaries and exchanged between the two Delegations.

Accept [etc.]

V. K. Wellington Koo
[Page 958]

Agreed Terms of Understanding Recorded in the Minutes of the Chinese and Japanese Delegations Concerning the Conclusion of the Treaty for the Settlement of Outstanding Questions Relative to Shantung30

I. Transfer of Public Properties

1. Japanese subjects will be permitted, subject to the provisions of Chinese law, to become members or shareholders of any of the commercial companies to be formed with respect to public enterprises mentioned in Paragraph 4 of Annex II of the Treaty.

II. Withdrawal of Japanese Troops

2. After the withdrawal of the Japanese troops provided for in Articles IX–XI of the Treaty, no Japanese military force of any kind will remain in any part of Shantung.

III. Tsingtao–Tsinanfu Railway

3. All light railways constructed by Japan in Shantung and all properties appurtenant thereto shall be considered as part of the properties of the Tsingtao–Tsinanfu Railway.

4. The telegraph lines along the Railway shall also be considered as part of the Railway properties.

5. The Chinese authorities, upon taking over the Railway, shall have full power and discretion to retain or to remove the present employees of Japanese nationality in the service of the Railway. In replacing such employees, reasonable notice shall be given before the date of the transfer of the Railway. Detailed arrangements regarding the replacements to take effect immediately on the transfer of the Railway are to be made by the Joint Railway Commission provided for in Article XVI of the Treaty.

6. The entire subordinate staff of the Japanese Traffic Manager and the Japanese Chief Accountant of the Railway is to be appointed by the Chinese Managing Director. After two years and a half from the date of the transfer of the Railway, the Chinese Government may appoint an Assistant Traffic Manager of Chinese nationality for the period of two years and a half, and such Chinese Assistant Traffic Manager may likewise be appointed at any time upon notice being given for the redemption of the Treasury Notes under Article XVIII of the Treaty.

[Page 959]

7. The Chinese Government is under no obligation to appoint Japanese subjects as members of the subordinate staff above mentioned.

8. The redemption of the Treasury Notes under Article XVIII of the Treaty will not be effected with funds raised from any source other than Chinese.

9. The Chinese Government will ask the Japanese Government for such information as may be useful in making the selection of the Japanese Traffic Manager and the Japanese Chief Accountant of the Railway.

10. All questions relating to the existing contracts or commitments made by the Japanese authorities in charge of the Railway shall be settled by the Joint Railway Commission; and, prior to the transfer of the Railway, the said Japanese authorities will not make any new contracts or commitments calculated to be harmful to the interests of the Railway.

IV. Opening of the Former German Leased Territory of Kiaochow

11. The term “lawful pursuits” used in Article XXIII of the Treaty shall not be so construed as to include agriculture, or any enterprise prohibited by Chinese law or not permitted to foreign nationals under the treaties between China and foreign Powers, it being understood that this definition shall be without prejudice to the question of the salt industry provided for in Article XXV of the Treaty or to any question relating to vested rights which shall be determined in accordance with Article XXIV of the Treaty.

V. Post Offices

12. All the Japanese Post Offices outside of the former German Leased Territory of Kiaochow shall be withdrawn simultaneously with the transfer of the Tsingtao–Tsinanfu Railway, if such transfer shall take place before January 1, 1923, and, in any case, not later than the said date.

13. All the Japanese Post Offices within the former German Leased Territory of Kiaochow shall be withdrawn simultaneously with the transfer of the administration of the said Territory.

VI. Claims

14. The omission of any reference in the Treaty to the question of claims which Chinese citizens may have against the Japanese authorities or Japanese subjects, for the restitution of real property [Page 960] in Shantung or for damages to the persons and property of Chinese citizens in Shantung, shall not prejudice such claims.

15. The Chinese authorities shall furnish the Japanese authorities with a list of such claims together with all available evidence in support of each claim. Justice shall be done through diplomatic channel as regards the claims against the Japanese authorities, and through ordinary judicial procedure as regards the claims against Japanese subjects. With respect to the latter class of claims, the investigation into actual facts of each case may, if necessary, be conducted by a Joint Commission of Japanese and Chinese officials, in equal number, to be specially designated for that purpose.

16. The Japanese Government shall not be held responsible for any damages which may have been directly caused by military operations of Japan during the late war.

  • S. A. S.
  • V. K. W. K.
  • C. H. W.
  • T. K.
  • K. S.
  • M. H.

  1. An identical copy was received from the Japanese Ambassador on Feb. 13 (file no. 793.94/1300); neither copy was signed. The initials inserted at the end of the text here printed appear on a copy received on Oct 23 from the Chinese Minister (file no. 793.94/1383).