
The Japanese Ambassador (Shidehara) to the Secretary of State

Sir: On behalf of the Japanese Delegation, I have the honor to inform you that the conversations which were commenced early in December between the Japanese and Chinese representatives, through the good offices of yourself and Mr. Balfour, on the question of Shantung have now come to a successful close.

Highly appreciating as I do the keen interest which you have constantly manifested in a satisfactory adjustment of the question, I am particularly pleased to communicate to you herewith enclosed the substance of the terms agreed upon respecting various issues involved in the matter.25 A treaty on the basis of such terms is in the course of drafting.

In making this communication to you, I beg to express the sincere thanks of my Japanese colleagues and myself for all your friendly efforts in bringing together the Japanese and Chinese Delegations with such a happy result.

Accept [etc.]

K. Shidehara
  1. See Conference on the Limitation of Armament, Washington, Nov. 12, 1921–Feb. 6, 1922 (in English and French), pp. 200–212.