500.A 491/e: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Warren)20a

206. It has been arranged that tomorrow December 1st, Mr. Balfour and I are to bring together the representatives of China and of Japan to initiate discussions of the Shantung question collaterally with the Conference. After convening the meeting and making offer of our good offices in the matter Mr. Balfour and I will withdraw and leave the discussion to be carried on by the respective representations which will consist of the 3 Chinese Delegates together with 3 associates and not more than 6 Japanese including all or some of their Delegates. The meetings will be attended by two American observers J. V. A. MacMurray and Edward Bell and two British Sir John Jordan and Miles Lampson who will however take no part in proceedings unless so requested.

It is expected that any eventual settlement resulting from these discussions will be communicated to the Conference.

  1. The same to the Minister in China as no. 310.