393.1111—Lundeen, Anton: Telegram
The Minister in China (Schurman) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 29—8:36 a.m.]
466. Diplomatic body met to-day. I called attention to kidnaping of foreigners in Honan and asked for appointment of an international commission to investigate conditions in that Province and take such steps as they might deem expedient. Diplomatic body voted this and requested Hankow consular body to select delegation to meet commission in Chengchow December 8th. Also authorized telegram to Wu Pei-fu demanding liberation foreigners in captivity.
Diplomatic body also voted to publish the joint protest made to the Chinese Government by the representatives of America, England, France, Italy and Sweden on November 16th (see my telegram of November 16, 5 [4] p.m., 449).