The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Schurman)
Sir: Adverting to your telegrams Nos. 114 of March 24, 5 p.m. and 216 of May 12, 4 p.m. and the Department’s replies, there is enclosed herewith a copy of a letter dated August 29, 1922, with its enclosures,18 from Mr. R. P. Schwerin, President of the Federal Telegraph Company, relative to an engagement which has been entered into between the Federal Telegraph Company of California and the Radio Corporation of America for the financing and construction of the several radio stations in China authorized under the contract dated January 8, 1921, between the Federal Telegraph Company and the Chinese Government. There is also enclosed a copy [Page 857] of a letter19 dated August 31 addressed to Mr. Schwerin, stating that the Department perceives no objection to the arrangements which have been tentatively entered into by the above named companies and advising him that the Department will instruct you to render him all appropriate diplomatic support in his negotiations with the Chinese Government in obtaining the acceptance by that Government of the arrangements which have been made and which are set forth in the pamphlets enclosed with the company’s letter of August 29, 1922.
Mr. Schwerin has informed the Department that he intends to sail for China early in October for the purpose of conducting the negotiations above mentioned. On his arrival he will explain to you in detail the arrangements which have been made by the Federal Telegraph Company of California and the Radio Corporation of America, and the Department trusts that you will be in position to render him all proper diplomatic support in conducting his negotiations with the Chinese Government with a view to having the arrangements formally accepted by that Government.
The Department desires to emphasize the necessity of regarding the information contained in this instruction and in the pamphlets numbers 1, 2 and 3 herewith enclosed19 as of a strictly confidential character pending Mr. Schwerin’s arrival in Peking.
I am [etc.]