800.30/11a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey)

690. Please give following message to M. Briand:

“My dear M. Briand:

M. Jusserand has handed me your message and I am highly gratified at your prompt response which again evinces your deep interest in our efforts to reduce the burden of naval armament. I trust that we may make still further progress until a satisfactory settlement is assured upon all points.

Allow me again to express my most cordial appreciation of your cooperation and the assurance of my highest esteem. Charles E. Hughes.”

[Paraphrase.] French Delegation appear to have instructions to demand 330,000 tons auxiliary craft, consisting of torpedo boats, light cruisers, etc., and 90,000 tons submarines. This demand has not yet been presented to Conference, and I understand that the figures are being sifted. I trust that the figures will be largely reduced, as such a demand would be considered here as very extravagant. The meeting of the Committee on Naval Disarmament has been adjourned until December 22 in order that the French Delegation may be instructed further. It would seem that their instructions from Paris and London are not entirely consistent. [End paraphrase.]
