The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Geddes)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note (No. 831) under date of November 2, in which you advised me of the attitude of the British Government in reference to the proposals, now under consideration among the several national groups of the Chinese Consortium, for a loan to the Peking Government. I have carefully considered this note, and find myself in full accord with the opinion of the British Government that these proposals should be further examined with a view to the possibility of rendering to the Chinese Government such assistance as may prove feasible for the rehabilitation of that Government.
[Here follows substantially the same text, beginning with the second paragraph, as that of the memorandum of November 23 to the Japanese Embassy, printed supra.]
In reply to a memorandum of the Japanese Embassy, dated October 19 last, I have had occasion to communicate to the Japanese Chargé d’Affaires the views set forth above. I am also advising the American Ambassador at Tokyo of these views, and instructing him, as requested in your note, to associate himself with his British colleague in urging the Japanese Government to authorize its Group to proceed with the consideration of the proposals for a loan from the Consortium to the Chinese Government.
Accept [etc.]