
The Austrian Chargé (Prochnik) to the Secretary of State

No. 949

Excellency: I have the honor to notify Your Excellency that I have received instructions to convey to the Government and People [Page 619] of the United States the expression of gratitude, with which the People of the Austrian Republic and their Government acknowledged the passing of a Joint Resolution relating to deferment of certain liens held by the United States against Austria, and the signing of this Act by the President of the United States.

The Austrian Government, having on this occasion previously voiced the gratitude of the Austrian Nation to the Chargé d’Affaires of the United States in Vienna, lays great stress upon having the Government and People of the United States assured of the great appreciation and value placed by whole Austria on this magnanimous action, as the benevolent spirit manifested by the Government and Congress of the United States in connection therewith, will undoubtedly have a very favorable influence on the further development of the country’s economics and finances.

In taking pleasure [etc.]

Edgar Prochnik