835.00/308: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Riddle)

49. President has issued following letter:

“To His Excellency, Senor Doctor Marcelo T. de Alvear, President-elect of Argentina, Great and Good Friend: Desiring to give evidence of my appreciation of the cordial relations existing between the United States and Argentina, as well as of the friendship and good will which I entertain for Your Excellency, I have named John W. Riddle, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to Argentina, to be my special representative, with the rank of Ambassador, at the ceremonies incident to the induction of Your Excellency on October 12, 1922, into the high office of President of Argentina.

I have entire confidence that he will render himself acceptable to Your Excellency in the distinguished duty with which I have invested him. I therefore request Your Excellency to receive him favorably and to accept from him the assurances of the high regard and friendship entertained for Your Excellency and the Government and people of Argentina by the Government and people of the United States, and the sincere felicitations which they and I, in their name and personally, tender Your Excellency on this auspicious occasion. Your Good Friend: Warren G. Harding. By the President: William Phillips, Acting Secretary of State. Washington, September 21, 1922.”

Send copy to Minister for Foreign Affairs requesting acceptance in lieu of autographed letter impossible to reach you in time but which will go to you first pouch.
