875.01/209: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey) to the Secretary of State


226. Your no. 144, May 18, 5 p.m.7 The Council of the League of Nations at its last meeting adopted a resolution which I condense as follows:

At the request of the Government of Albania one member and one secretary of the Commission of Inquiry will be retained for the present. Professor Sederholm’s offer to return to Albania as member [Page 602] of the Commission has been accepted. The request of the Albanian Government for economic assistance will be communicated to the Financial and Economic Commission for favorable consideration and the latter will be requested to send experts to Albania to report on measures deemed necessary to encourage foreign capital to invest in Albania. Also at the desire of the Albanian Government, the Financial Committee is requested by the Council to propose to it at its next session in accordance with a resolution adopted September 21, 1921, a list of candidates suitable for the post of Financial Adviser to the Albanian Government. The Council will consider the request of the Government of Albania for other technical advisers at a subsequent session. The Council directs that the reports of the Commission of Inquiry which are now under consideration are to be forwarded to the Council of Ambassadors and that its attention be called to the final paragraph of the supplementary report which concerns the situation on the Greek-Albanian frontier, with regard to which the Council expresses the hope that a quick solution of the question may be reached. The Council records its grateful recognition of the valuable work done by its Commission of Inquiry.

I shall forward by pouch the full text of the resolution and general report of the Commission of Inquiry.

Any suggestion that the League assume a protectorate over Albania is characterized as “fantastic” by the Foreign Office.

  1. See footnote 5, p. 599.