
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of Commerce (Hoover)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of April 26, 1922, calling attention to the negotiations of the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corporation for a petroleum concession in Albania, and suggesting that serious consideration be given to the question of the recognition of Albania, and if recognition appears inadvisable, to the possibility of sending some American representative into Albania.

There are naturally various considerations involved in the question of recognition, but I have been constantly mindful of the concrete American interest indicated by the negotiations of the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corporation in Albania and I am, of [Page 601] course, desirous of extending to the company any assistance which may be possible and proper. Consul General Blake, formerly Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier, was some time ago instructed to proceed to Albania. He will be informed of the Sinclair negotiations and will be instructed to extend to the company any assistance which may be possible and appropriate.

I have informed the company of the Department’s action in this regard.

I have [etc.]

Charles E. Hughes