875.01/203a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)5

157. Associated Press despatch Geneva May 13th reports that Council of League of Nations has virtually decided that League should assume protectorate over Albania and appoint certain financial, economic and legal experts to assist Albania. Italy is reported to have demanded assurances that her interest in that country would be safe-guarded.

Telegraph if possible summary of action taken by Council. Department is particularly interested in effect on Albanian independence and equality of opportunity for United States and its nationals.

Repeat to London as Department’s 144 and Rome as 66.

  1. See last paragraph for instructions to repeat to London as no. 144 and Rome as no. 66. In telegram no. 161, May 19, to the Ambassador in France, the Secretary of State requested that this telegram be repeated to the Legation in Switzerland.