123 B 58/175: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Denning)

4. Your April 24, 10 a.m.3 For Blake.

The Department is considering the recognition of Albania. Before taking action it is desired that you report as to conditions in that country, stability of present government and existing or prospective American interests there. You are instructed to proceed as soon as possible to Rome for consultation with the Embassy and examination of correspondence regarding Albania. From Rome you are instructed to proceed to such points in Albania, including Tirana, as you may consider necessary for your investigations. Department will cable you further instructions at Rome.

Inform Department by telegraph of your departure from Tangier and arrival at Rome. Your status will be that of Consul General on temporary detail. Transportation and subsistence allowed in accordance with travel regulations, and not exceeding six hundred dollars extraordinary expenses for which separate account should be rendered. Telegraph from Rome recommendations as to clerk to accompany you if necessary, whether suitable one available there, and salary.

  1. Telegram of Apr. 24 (not printed) was from Maxwell Blake requesting assignment to another post. He had turned over the consulate at Tangier to his successor, Joseph M. Denning, on Apr. 11.