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The Secretary General of the League of Nations (Drummond) to the Secretary of State

Sir: On the recommendation of the Third Committee, the Assembly of the League of Nations adopted on the 1st October 1921 a [Page 545] resolution to the effect “that the urgent importance of ratifying the Convention at the earliest possible moment should be strongly impressed on all the States signatories to the Arms Traffic Convention of St. Germain, whether Members of the League of Nations or not, and at the same time all non-signatory States should be invited to adhere to the Convention”.

The Council of the League, in considering the above Resolution, expressed its complete agreement with the Assembly as to the importance of securing the ratification of the Arms Traffic Convention at the earliest possible date. It therefore decided, at its meeting of the 12th October, that the Assembly’s Resolution should be brought to the notice of all States which had not notified the League of their intentions on the subject.

I therefore have the honour to enquire, in the name of the Council, whether the Government of the United States of America is prepared to ratify the Convention of St. Germain. The Council would highly appreciate an early reply to this enquiry.

A similar letter is being sent to Governments not signatories of the Convention, asking them whether they would be prepared to adhere to the Convention.

I have [etc.]

Eric Drummond