
The Secretary of State to M. Sarraut, of the French Delegation39

My Dear M. Sarraut: I enclose revised draft40 of proposed agreement supplementary to the Four-Power-Treaty. The changes are as follows:

There is substituted for “Sakhalin” the following: “Karafuto (or the southern portion of the Island of Sakhalin)”. This is the Japanese portion of the Island.

There is added a paragraph in the usual form relating to ratification and deposit.

I have been over these changes with Baron Shidehara, who has approved them.

If you approve, will you kindly furnish me with the French text, and I shall have an agreement printed for signature.

Sincerely yours,

Charles E. Hughes
  1. The same to Ambassador Jusserand, of the French delegation, and, with the omission of the last sentence, to Mr. Balfour, of the British delegation (file nos. 500.A4a/72b, 59a).
  2. Not printed.