723.2515/823: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Collier)


12. Your telegram no. 16.2 Send by mail the note to which you refer.

Inform the Government of Chile that Peru has accepted the President’s invitation, and suggest informally and orally that the next step to be taken is to decide upon the number of plenipotentiaries and the date of their meeting here. Inquire whether the two Governments will arrange these details through their diplomatic representatives here. This course would be the most practicable, the Department believes, but if desired, it is willing to be of service in this connection. The plenipotentiaries, it should be understood, will not be accredited to this Government in any way.

The Department presumes that there has been made public in Chile the President’s reply to the President of Bolivia, wherein he declined to take the initiative in having Bolivia included in the conference in Washington between representatives of Chile and Peru.

The Department has sent a similar instruction to the Embassy at Lima.

  1. Not printed; it stated that a substitute confidential note had been received from the Chilean Government.