723.2515/810: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Peru (Sterling)

5. Your 96, January 19, 7 p.m.

Inasmuch as it was stated in your 95, January 14, 1 p.m., that the President of Peru assured you “that the invitation when extended would be accepted with pleasure without qualification” and in view of the fact that the Chilean reply just received states that “My Government will be represented at Washington as soon as possible by plenipotentiaries ad hoc who will bear full powers to agree with the representatives of Peru for solution of the difficulties to which the invitation of the United States Government refers”, the Department earnestly requests an acceptance such as it was led to believe would be sent by the Peruvian Government and on the faith of which the invitation was formally extended, and suggests that the words in the Peruvian reply “adjusted by the Government of the United States” should be deleted. You are instructed to bring [Page 453] this matter immediately to the attention of the President and Minister for Foreign Affairs, explaining that this phrase introduces a new and in its opinion unnecessary complication. You may add that Chile was urged to accept without qualification, on the ground that the acceptance on the part of Peru would be, as promised, without qualification. You will point out that this does not mean that both Governments cannot rely upon the sympathetic interest and assistance of the United States in bringing this controversy to an end. The fact that the President has issued this invitation for representatives to meet here should be taken as a sufficient earnest of our desire to help in every proper way.

For your confidential information, the words quoted introduce a new factor, and are entirely at variance with the reply promised by the President; they place upon the Government of the United States a responsibility which it does not feel should be mooted at this stage of the negotiations. Unless Peruvian Government will omit them from its reply, it will be necessary to reconsider whole subject.

Reply immediately.
